In this episode Steve and Ken chat with Deputy Field Cross of the Halifax County Sheriff’s Department (Virginia). Field is a K9 handler but not for one of those pointy eared fur missiles. His partner is no other than the legendary Bloodhound! Field has some great stories and fascinating insight into the world of tracking.
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this is things police see first-handaccounts with your host Steve goldhey guys welcome to the podcast atinterviews active and retired policeofficers about their most intensebizarre and sometimes humorous momentson the job with me as always Ken Roybalhow you doing hello hello I’m here firstthis morning had some little Skypeissues and I think we fixed thatso yeah you sound wonderfully unlatch itfeel that laggy I do it just just forpeople out there that you Skype to seeyou know I have the Mac version and italerted me I needed to update and Kenhas the PC version did not alert himbecause yeah I don’t need to know Idon’t need to know I just lagged andWilliam James long thank you for lettingme know how laggy I am and that actuallyprompted us to check that so good goodon you William it was it was a bit oftough love Ken we had a really fun zoomcall with some folks from policebackground on it and TPS fanpage andWilliam is a big fan and a good dude wereally appreciate his support and hesaid I meant to ask you guys do you evenlisten to your own podcast what is hegoing to say next well it’s kind offunny it’s that you’d think that I don’tknow they would tell you your callquality’s low or whatever but no youhave to have fans tell you how bad youryour interviews are and then you have todo your own homework and I went to Skypeand it says yeah we’re up and runningman we’re just amazing you and then whenI know I’m not amazing and then I checkthat the version online because there’snothing on the there’s nothing on thesoftware that says hey check whatversion you have so they didn’t make iteasy but we so we took care of businesswe we overcame as we always do yeah sowho’s on the who’s on the hot seat todaytoday we have William Field cross but hegoes by field andhe’s 12 years years old he’s come yearsold very young having a very difficulttime recruiting so this guy’s been he’scurrently a Halifax County Sheriff inHalifax County Virginia in a reallybadass dog he has a bloodhound whichI’ve always been a big fan on when itcomes to police canines yeahVirginia is getting a little bithammered I know we’re ahead of the aheadof the on the calendar but you knowthey’re having a bad time right now oh Ididn’t even see with the with the virusyeah yeah they’re they’re lockdown for amonth longer than everybody else seewhat that’s what see what that’s likeyeah that’s pretty sucky but yeah okayfeel field and I’m gonna doing somethingnew here folks so I can edit it up itdoesn’t work right but forgive us ifthere’s any bumps I’m gonna try to haveeverybody on their own channel becausewe have this fancy road procaster mixingboard which allows us to do that so andthat way we can edit I can edit moreeasily so we are fair and what you’retrying to say is that way fans we cancut out can altogether demos glitchy sohe was cut out all right let’s um let’ssee if he’s gonna answer here all right[Music]hello field hey what’s up brother canyou hear me okay yeah how about you canhear me yeah you sound good man I got aI got a text from you just before westarted said that uh you had an f3 andan f4 tornado running around your houseyeah those of you children I’m assumingyes not actual tornadoes now you arealso on with Ken Roybal hey Ken goodmorning how are you I thought it was atornado I thought there it turns I’mgood man I’m good we’re we’re doing allright here as longwe stay in our houses right that’s whatthey say so field chem was the samebefore we dialed you up that the thevirus is pretty bad in Virginia rightnow are you what are you experiencing onthe job well I actually it’s I’mactually been out of work since May 10thI’m we were I broke my finger fighting aguy and had to get a surgery on it so Igot two plates and four screws in myfinger right now going through therapyso I picked a good time in the historyof the world actually not have to go towork yeah really my area right now we’repretty rural communities so we only haveone official documented case of it I’vetalked to some of the ER staff and theythey’re not testing everybody I don’tthink sothey’re getting they’re getting a fewpeople coming in with the symptoms butthey’re just basically quarantine andtelling them to self quarantine so we’veonly got one official case here we’vegot I think nine and the county next tous and a couple in the other in thecounty east of us but I think Richmondand the northern part of Virginia isreally getting hit pretty hard with itOh gotcha and I see here your bio thatbut I was tell oh good I think we’rewe’re having a poor connection again butum I was just saying in your bio the thedog that you have is awesome I lovebecause when you see canines working andpolice work it’s usually a GermanShepherd or now those mal Moyes orwhatever you have a bloodhound man thosethings are those dogs are just soawesome yeah they’re checking machinesnow are you the guy that when likesomeone gets out of jail you know likethat song read the country song readyeah is that you yeah two escapedinmates well my last bloodhound we wehad two escaped inmates at separatetimes in we we were part of the teamsthat found him the first one took us twoor three days andsecond one we we captured that night weI was the first dog deployed we wentabout five miles got to a big Creek wecouldn’t cross and another bloodhoundset up on it on the other side of thebig Creek and uh they found him about200 yards past that Wow no bloodhoundsthey don’t like I there was one in thetown next to me back in Massachusetts asmall town but they use them primarilyfor tracking that wasn’t like uh theynever bite or anything or well I haveseen some some ferocious bloodhounds butthey’re few and far between they I got abuddy that’s got a bloodhound in Georgiaand he can’t even give that dog a bathit’s so me real oh yeah they and there’sone in a couple counties over from usthat has been through I think fourhandlers because it just bites everybodyso there’s there’s a few out there thatare ferocious but we we do a weeverybody I trained with and if they geta vicious one they’ll usually wash itoutthey won’t even they won’t even train ityeah that makes sense because they’re umwhat I knew about the you know onlybloodhound I’ve ever known in policework he would he would even he found abad guy he would just put his paws onhim you know he would um yeah you neverreally yeah he was great for findingkids and like elderly people do they dodrugs ever I’ve never seen one do drugsI mean I imagine you could train it todo drugsbut they’re their thing is that you knowit’s part of their hunting nature is tois to track so all we do is just changetheir prey drive from an animal tochange it to hunting humans reallythat’s kind of what we do and justinstill on the human scent the skincells that’s that’s what we that’s whatwe train them to do that’s really cool afriend of mine described it as you cancorrect me if this isn’t right but hesaid it’s kind of like humans are alwaysjust cascading skin cells off their bodyand it’s like I’m forming little pileson the ground and that’s what I meanthat’s yeah that’s like blows your mindwhen you think that a dog’s nose canactually smell thoseyeah the way I described it when thiscuz we give a lot of demonstrations withthe bloodhounds the way I describe it isremember when we were kids you takethose smoke bombs there were differentcolors so and that you you would lightthem on the fourth of July and you putthem on the ground and they would justcreate a big big plume of smoke oh yeahso what I tell people what I tell peopleis if you lit one of those and you putit on the top of your head and you justwalked you could actually kind of itkind of is a good description of whatthose skin cells are doing the cold theycome off in rafts they call them andthey come up your neck and over yourhead and kind of plume down kind of likealmost the atomic bomb circle you knowand they fall to the ground and the dogis actually as those skin cells aredecaying he’s smelling all that thatcomes through there and there’s a lot ofthere’s a lot of different variables asfar as soaps you use your DNA you knowbut ultimately at the end of the daythey’re they can differentiate betweenmy my skin your cells your skin cellsand we can give them a shirt or any typeof clothing or really anything that theperson’s touched if you know we have wehad a guy one time you robbed a storeand we put 75 cents on the counter andwe use that 75 cents to send up on itand we ended up finding the guy in ahousing complex you know about a half amile away so anything that anybody hastouched with skin cells stay is we canwe can send up off of that wow that’sreally cool that’s insane yeah yeah it’spretty amazing actually and we can alsodo it like Belgian Malinois rose and theGerman shepherds where if somebody takesoff running and they went the officersays he went through the woods rightthere then we can sent the dog up rightthere and he’ll take it so they can doboth they can they’re sent specificwhere we can give them a shirt are thereyou know they can we can just cast themas well we call it cast them in the areaand they’ll pick up that scent and a lotof times if there’s somebody runningit’s cut there’s a fierce scent thatthere’s there’s a fierce scent that theadrenaline is pumpingand so that dog likesadrenaline and he’s going to go afterthat heart or kind of like a deer whenthey’re running in that yeah so I’m nota hunter but everybody that hunts says adeer that gets shot running with gruntyou know when they run the dogs afterand when that meat tastes different itsaid adrenaline running through thedeers boatthe deers muscles so it’s the sameconcept with the dog that that fearscent is a much stronger than an elderlyperson with Alzheimer’s walking throughthe woods so that’s actually a hardertrack for the dog because it’s it’s lessboring I guess you would say wow that isthat is blowing my mind man I actuallyI’ve done a bunch of tracks when I was acop and I never I’ve seen them use scentyou know like here’s a sweatshirt andfind this guy but I never thought to asklike when they show up and they havenothing and they just start tracking nowI know that’s that’s fascinating theycan just pick that stuff up Ken did didLAPD have did they ever have anybloodhounds I don’t remember them havingany bloodhounds I don’t know if they donow but I don’t yeah you know what whenpeople are missing or whatever I don’tknow how they did that I never heardanything about it Ellie just doesn’tlook for them we just you know we figurehey we’re gonna find them at some pointbut yeah they said it’s amazing I I’veseen dogs I’ve seen bloodhounds trackright through the middle of a Walmartparking lotin the middle of the day and they’repicking out that one scent that we’vegiven them and they’re going through theparking lot and they can find that onescent it’s unreal now Walmart there’s alot of stinky sense there yeah asmillions and millions of skin cells youknow that’s it’s amazing it’s absolutelyamazing dogs work Wow that isfascinating man field can you tell usabout your first time responding to ahot call first time your adrenaline gotpumping yeah I thought about this andthe first one I ever did I actually whenI started in law enforcement it wasactually my birthday August 3rd I thinkit was 2008 I was uh I was in the jail Iworked in the jail at a local sheriff’soffice so a lot of times we would startin the jail and then you would work yourway up to the road well this night outwe sometimes the jail officers wouldride with the deputy and I was his rideand kind of learning you know justtrying to get everything I could and wegot a call that a female had been shotwell her boyfriend shot her in the legwith a shotgun from about from aboutthree foot away and he said he told herhe said I’m gonna give you to the countof three to get out of here and he saidone and as she turned to run he shot herin the leg and it went through it wentthrough one leg and you could see thepellets and the other leg and this isgrain that I started I started lawenforcement April 1st 2008 and this wasAugust so I have I was green I I knewnothing I don’t think I’d been to theAcademy yet and I was like you know thisis getting real so we get there andobviously I don’t know what to do so Ijust kind of followed the deputy thatI’m that I’m with and I’ll never forgetit when I walk up the steps there was abig old piece of meat sitting on thefront steps and I was like I was likethe only thing I could think of was thissucks this has got to suck you know andgo inside and there’s blood everywhereand you know he’s got that copper smelland she’s laying on the she’s laying onthe table and that was that was probablymy first official that was my firstofficial like oh gosh this is real youknow this isn’t the movies anymore sobut I was she was able to to run wellshe did so as she was turning to run iswhen he shot her so he said I’m gonnagive you the count of three and he gotto one and then he pulled the triggerhe’s like the guy from home alone yeahyeah this is no time for humor probablymy first official like you know I knewnothing then and come to find out sothey were you know we did a quickclearing of the building and we werekind of all standing around like oh thisguy we’ve got we’ve been told this guyis here this guy is there well me andthe guy that I was with we were sent toto gocheck this suspicious person that theythought was him so we were riding overthere and I as were riding over therethey say suspect in custody so theyended up going in the house again andlooking for the man to see if you ifthey had missed him and the guy wasunderneath the bed with the shotgun thathe had used in one of the rooms of thehouse and we been standing around for 3045 minutes just kind of you know youknow how we do after everything issecured we sit around and wait for thepeople that know what they’re doing toget there so that was a pretty uneasyfeeling to know that that guy was in thenext room laying under the bed with ashotgun and we were all standing aroundseemed God knows what right yeah that’scrazy you know as as being with a withsomebody yeah that’s a big welcome yeahyeah it was wild I’ll never forget it itwas my birthday August 32 you had acouple beers that nightyeah Wow now Ken because I know you sowell I know the light bulb went off inyour head when he said that he wasworking without police academy at thattime Sam Ken like la is a big city youknow obviously and it does everythinglike very by-the-book I come from anagency very similar to you where I likein the East Coast they’ll work you likeI worked well yeah with reserve Academywhich is like a hundred hour Academy Iworked for a full year in a patrol caralone as a loose officerWow I mean they’ve changed all that nowbut they used we uses take reserves orspecials and once you you got sworn inat Town Hall they would you could hitthe road after training after some fieldtraining and then go to Academy laterwhen the town could afford to send younow with you guys did they always haveyou partnered up yeah so when shortlyreally shortly after that situationhappenedthe sheriff was like all right no moreif you’re not wearing certified you workin a jail there’s no more rightI guess he kind of realized that if Iwould have gotten shot and killed wewould have probably been in a badsituation right then so when I went tothe other I went to the road at a newdepartment we actually rode Sarek theyhad two academies a year I think onestarted in January one started in Junewe went about six months not quite butso when when I went over there I wrote Igot hired in October and I rode with apartner until January but we had guyswho that were wrote with somebody thatwas probably there 810 months I thinkyou have to be at that time you had tobe certified in 12 months it’s kind ofwhat they said and you wrote withsomebody wore uniformI believe that agency has stopped thatnow now you get a college certain khakisand you kind of go work in records theirhelp in the help in the evidence room orsomething like that I’m not quite surewhat they do now but I do know they’vestopped that practice when does not likethat reckonwell I’m kind of wondering what iscertified mean so to be certified wehave to go through the loop okay hear mehello can you hear me yeah yeah to becertified we have to go through anAcademy which usually I think they rangefrom a Academy to Academy but it’susually from anywhere from 26 to 36weeks academies and then you have tocomplete your fgo training and thenyou’re officially certified that’s apretty lengthy Academy on 26 weeksthat’s yeah we have Virginia has a verylong Academy I talked to guys a trainingthat from other states and they they’re1214 weeks 16 weeks and my our StatePolice Academy is 30-something weeks Ibelieve and it’s a it’s a long it’s along process in Virginia to be certifiedyeah it sounds I think males like 25weeks 20 26 to 30 something yeah so ouracademies are split up into regionalacademiesa group of you know tinged 10departments or 20 departments will sendout in their their officers or deputiesto one Academy now the big citiesRichmond and Fairfax they have their ownacademies but for the most part all ofthese smaller agencies will just theyhave a regional Academy that they sendtheir officers and deputies to that madesense yeah that’s that’s how we used todo it we weren’t none of our towns andcities were really big enough to havetheir own so they would just we would goto I would the police academy with Ithink there’s like 40 or 50 guys in myclass and there was a dozen differentcities which was kind of cool to do butyeah you learn a lot you meet a lot ofpeople in network that way pretty wellabsolutely feel can you describe thestrangest or most bizarre call thatyou’ve dealt with I was thinking aboutso we go this was when I was on my Roadon by myself we get a call to a drunkperson and I was I was running adifferent beat but we usually when wewere slow aboard you know you get adrunk person stumbling down the roadeverybody kind of wants to go get nosyand see what it is so I was we went byCardinal house car 17 and all of asudden I heard the female car 19 shecomes on the radio and she says 17 youneed to get here nowso my oh my gosh what’s going on so Iget there and this this woman she’s fromNew York he’s got that thick New Yorkaccent she’s a really Christian womanyou never heard her talk talk bad aboutpeople and we get there and the guy ishe’s got that I walk up to we got thatthousand-yard stare like that drunkstare where he’s he just he doesn’t evenknow what world he’s on and his pantswere down is between his legs like downto his ankles oops I might oh gosh so Iwe get them up and we get themhandcuffed and you know in Virginia wehave what’s called a drunken public lawso if you’re if you’re intoxicated inpublic then you go to jail basically wedon’t havejump take so they just put you inholding until you sober up and then theyreleased units like a $50 civil fine sowe get them up and I’ve got one arm andanother officer that gets there he’s gotanother arm we’re like hey will you pickthis we pull his pants up talking to thefemale so all of a sudden she says he’sgot poop on his pants just like that andwe I turn around and look and there’s adiet a waterfall of diarrhea coming offthe car yes so we just drop them in themiddle of the road I mean I’ll neverforget we just he’s laying in the roadwith handcuffs and I’m gagging andthrowing up in in the yard of the housein the front yard of the house the otherofficer he’s throwing up another yeahbecause that’s when we all smell it youknow and as soon as she says somethingshe’s gagging so we finally you we leaveour gloves we finally get them loaded upinto a car everybody’s got streaks ofdiarrhea on their pants because we don’tknow they’re like so we left our glovesin the in the yard of the house we wereat I went the officer that I told theguys that I can’t I can’t transport himI’m gonna throw upso he transports him to the jail and itwas just a mess I going to the hospitaland getting some of those rags that youthink you know kill everything andbasically bathing it home and later onthat evening I gloved up and went andgot new gloves and cleaned up the frontyard where we left all the trash butthat was that was pretty bizarre thatwas a pretty bizarre incident yeah itwas his problem he was really reallydrunk I mean he was just he was he wasjust very intoxicated and he wasactually so we kinda had you know ourcity was divided into different areasand there was a there’s a they call itkind of like the the river area orwhatever where they have restaurants andstuff and I think he had just gotintoxicated at one of those restaurantsand was walking home and you know he Ican’t believe you made it as far as hedid but he was really really drunk couldhave been Mexican fooda bit a bit too many margaritas I guessyeah that does that is not a good mixthat is not a good mix and do you seewhat your food is doing to white peoplewell you know what it’s it’s a plan it’sa master plan of ours to thin out theherd and the why people like theiralcohol and we like our Mexican food andthe together it’s a lethal combinationyeah I’m with you brother I have a veryweak gag reflex and once it starts I’vebeen on a few calls once it starts goingI can’t I can see it I can see it I canwatch it happenbut the moment I smell it I’m done it’sI can’t do it anymore and you know youget a lot of those smells working in thejail so I you know I spent a lot of timemaking that gag reflex noise oh I’m sureand me to make you special surprisessometimes for you to enjoy where I wasthat wasn’t wasn’t too bad because we itwas a old you know if you think aboutjust our old school jail it had a couplecatwalks that was everybody was in cellblocks it was it was pretty small I heldprobably 200 people but it was so localthat three older ladies that lived inthe community were the cooks so everyother Sunday they get Fried Chicken andthen the other Sundays would be roastbeef and gravy so I mean they ate reallywell so they really didn’t give us awhole bunch of problems because they atereally well at this at this jail and wegot to eat for a dollar so that was kindof nice toobut yeah that was that was pretty badabout that one and I was thinking aboutanother one that we had we had a I wasthis is actually at the agency that Imet now they had a call of a wreck atWalmart and I was sitting in front ofWalmart now I was looking around I wasthere’s no wrecked on here and I lookeddown and there’s a crowd of people andthis guy had a seizure andhe accelerated and hit a bunch of carsand yeah he hit one of those handicapsigns with the concrete base he and heflipped the car and it ended up ejecthalfway ejecting him and he ended uppassing away in the parking lot that wasreally bizarre but you know a situationthat he I can’t believe you didn’t hitanybody else who went through them thepart where everybody was walking in themain traffic and it was wild too thatwas it was very bizarre incident todayit’s probably one of the ones that’sreally stuck with me yeah were you likethe first one to show up yeah I was Iwas probably right there pulling in withthe fire department you know I was I waswhen the call came out I was actually infront of Walmart and I was like there’sno wreck so I kind of went up a littleways you know to say well maybe it’sdown this way and the fire departmentpassed me so I turned back around andhad no idea it was in the parking lotacross a Walmart it was an overturnedvehicle at Walmart definitely anoverturned vehicle at Walmart whatkilled the guy was it did he get crusheddid he hit his head he hit his face onthe asphalt and then slid about 20 footso not to get out to get grocery listsneurs the law we have a lot of people onhere that listen that want to be copsand I was it like that you know what Iguess I’m just asking did it was like acheese grater on the guy’s face and halfhis face was gone what did you see uh itwas flattened I mean it was just in histeeth were hanging out you I rememberhis teeth just kind of like bulging outfrom his face and you know he just hadhalf of half of a head really the otherhalf that had been left on the con theasphalt the digs did that affect yougoing down the road years later or didbecause that’s a PTSD T thing for meyeah you know everybody calls themselvesa magnet and I’m actually verylucky I’m one of those guys like if it’sgoing to happen to youdoesn’t happen while I’m working and Iuse this all the time I tell people itmight change tomorrow but in 12 yearsI’ve worked one suicide and it’s notbecause I haven’t gone to him it’s justthey don’t ever come out while I’mworking and so we I’ve been for you knowobviously I’ve seen you know we had aguy not too long ago get his headcrushed by a tractor it flipped on himand you know I had to work that but uhyou know it doesn’t affect me too muchunless it’s got something to do withkids i I do a pretty good job of youknow separating the the ones that arehelpless I guess I try to think about itthe ones that are helpless are the onesthat affect me more and and that’sreally come through since I’ve got kidsyou know we’ve we’ve adopted three kidsso my wife and I so I’ve seen where theycome from where that situation and thatthat’s what that’s what really bothersme is the helpless the helpless victimsnot not that these people that werekilled were weren’t helpless but I don’tknow maybe maybe sometimes I feel likethey can control their own destinydestiny a little better than the kidscan oh yeah that totally makes sense i Iwas not the same I was always affectedby just seeing something seeing thehuman body in an unnatural way like justsomething that bent away it’s notsupposed to be bent a head misshapenlike anything like that used to bug mefor a while not so consider yourselfblessed my friend you know I really do agood job of putting it putting it out ofmy head now the guy that got his headcrushed by a tractor he was actually afriend of ours and I didn’t know ituntil after about 15 minutes afterworking it and thatif my goodnessbecause you know we knew him you know hewas he was very he was a good man andeverybody in a lot of people andeverybody on my shift would eat lunchwith him and when we’d see him so youknow that was a little bit tougherbecause we knewhe was he was a good staple of thecommunity and people people cared aboutthem and he cared about people andalways talked to us so that was toughthat was that was a tough one but onceagain you know I just I don’t know Iguess I do do a pretty good job of justtrying to worry about the things that Ican control and not the things I can’tyeah everybody’s different you know likemy dad was a cop for 32 yearsand um you know he could have beeneating a an Italian sub better gruesomesuicide and and just his heart ratewouldn’t even go up you know and thenI’m his son but I have more of my momand me so those things you know used tobang around in my head just funny howeverybody processes things differentlyand my wife you know I can’t talk to herabout it cuz she she hears one thingabout it and then it affects her youknow she she she doesn’t like to hearabout any of this stuff she’s like stopstop stop and I don’t even talk to herabout it because it just if you know itaffects her more than it affects me andI guess maybe because she can’t controland she’s not there to kind of to seewhat I’m seeing I don’t know that’stough man because you definitely and Iknow exactly what you’re sayingsometimes at times when I would overshare with my wife who would I knew itwas it was helping me to vent a littlebut I was being detrimental to herpsyche you know I could just see thetractor flipped on him she knew him verywell so it really affected her so Ididn’t you know we didn’t talk about itI just told her it wasn’t good and kindof left it at thathmm it didn’t last long type situationbut it was it was it was a sad sad itwas a sad thing it was absolutely youknow that whole come that wholecompartmentalizing things is very goodfor police officer survival but then onthe other hand it’s very bad becauseit’s still in thereand for cops out of pumpkin Noddy eatthem up secretly you know and orsilently and and because it can beunhealthyor it can be there are just people thereable to do that but it’s it’s alwaysgoing to be in there somewhere and andyou somehow have to get that out of youbut it’s just um it’s a tough balancingact for cops a good good thing aboutwhat’s fortunate for me is being thatI’ve got the bloodhound so so I’ve got atraining group that we meet outside ofthe county and I think that’s a you knowwe really train hard and do a lot ofwork but it’s a good time for us to kindof vent and get our you know it we getit out there we talk there I got a I’vegot a really good friend that you knowwe we share a lot of you know stuffabout it and it it you know I thinkthat’s that’s where you get it and thenyou and then on top of it when you startgetting upset or you you know it startsto affect you you’ve got dogs there sothey just you know it always just makeseverything that much better whenever youcan you can take your dog and you knowsometimes you talk to them and you knowthey don’t they don’t talk back andanything but you know just get your mindoff of things that’s a good point manthere’s like study after study thatshows how companionship fromspecifically a dog really does alleviatea lot of mental ailments yeah I was Iwas one of those ones growing up I hadno intention on being a police officeror in law enforcement at all it was itwas never a thought process of mine butwhen I graduated college I had 11 centsin my bank account and I needed thefirst place to hire me and now that’sbecome like it’s become it’s it’s partof me and it I couldn’t imagine doinganything elsethat’s awesome man we’re talking withsome some guys I’m sorry see we weretalking with some guys last night duringthat during that interview we did and Iwas asking him why do you want to be acop and there one of them says it’s acalling and I think that a lot of peopledon’t know they want it you know they’rethey don’t have any idea they’re goingto be a cop but something inside themtells them this is where I’m beingcalled toyeah I agree to that you know it’s it’suh you know they they they give you theyyou know you why do you want to do thisjob I want to help people and stuff butyou know when you first get into themjust the cars the guns the the jobthat’s what gets you into it and onceyou get that out of your system ofalright we can’t fight everybody all daywe can’t you know we we’ve got to learnhow to do this job and work worktogether then I think that that’s wherethe true calling comes is once you haveto use your mind and you know the olderyou get the harder it is that to fightpeople obviously you know I’m I’minjured now from fighting somebody soyou know we try to just I’ve gotten tothe point where we just try to do it aslittle as possible yeah absolutelyget that out of your system the firstyear yeah yeah then it’s time to workand figure out you know because I telleverybody it’s 97 percent paperwork andboredom and three percent excitement soyou can get through the Fordham partpaperwork and I think you’ll be alrightyeah I remember um a friend of minethat’s greatfriend was a game warden in Maine likein northern Maine and he said when we’reasking what it was like he said wellninety percent of time I’m bored out ofmy mind and the other ten percent oftime I’m my pants[Laughter]all right field can you tell us aboutthe most intense and or terrifying callthat you went on yeah we had a call onenight they come up with a radio that anindividual was was shooting at his dadwith an AR or shooting up their excuseme but is that they were arguing and soyou know we our County is actually it’seither the second or third largestcounty in Virginia so we have a lot ofand there’s only at that time I thinkthere was four of us working that nightmaybe five I can’t remember but uh andso we you know we had about a fifteenminute response timethat’s running lights and sirens and weget there and they you know they justconstantly update and he’sSuton his shooting is always here andhe’s shooting his shooting so we can weget that we’re still going and then theyupdate aside he’s at the back door oreverybody’s locked in the house he’sbanging on the back over the gun andtrying to get in the house trying to getin the house so we know they say excuseme I’ll take that back he’s banging onthe door trying to get in so we pull upto the side of the house because it’s inthe corner and the way we’re coming wewe really we really had no good way toget to the house without being exposedcompletely so we finally get there and Itake cover behind the tree and when theysay he’s trying to get in the house Ijust assumed he was trying to get in thefront door and I knew he had an AR and Isided my light on the front door andthere’s nobody there I’m like oh gosh soI start scanning the field the openingyou know the front yard he’s probablythey’re probably on three acres so Istart scanning in the front yard and Idon’t see him and all of a sudden I hearmy buddy I’ve got him at the back doorso we uh you know we give him thecommands come out to us show us yourhands well he’s got his hands in the airand he’s got a black object in his handsand you know we’re probably probably 50yards from her at this time maybe alittle closer so we you know we tell himto get on his knees and turn around dropthe object and we ended up taking theminto custody without incident but he hehad a cell phone in his hand and mypartner he said that cell phone wouldcome down he said we would I don’t lethim up because you know we it wasnighttime it was dark we already knew hehad guns you know we’ve been shooting atpeople and uh he didn’t uh he didn’t hedidn’t put that gun down or that excuseme that cell phone down it would savehis life yeah that’s gonna be a terriblefeeling being on a property that bigknowing there’s a guy out theresomewhere with an ar-15 which you knowcan really reach out and touch you yeahyeah it was one of those moments werewhen you shot on your light on the doorand he’s not there it’s like you knowit’s almost like you know we when youwhen you’ve got a Pepsi and you pickedup your wife sweet tea and you just makeyou sit for the sweet tea and you’rethinking is Pepsi and it’s just thatfeeling likewhere’s yeah that’s a great comparison Ilive in a field I live in a rural Countyand I mean it’s real rule in WashingtonState and there’s tons of guns out hereand you could just you could just besitting in your house and you hear boomboom just people is shooting in thefield on their property stuff like thatis it the same out there with youthere’s tons of gunsoh yes guns everywhere here there youknow Tanner we have Tanner rights notillegal here so you’ll be sittingoutside and all of a sudden you’ll hearthat it’s like huge explosion like tensticks of dynamite just went off andit’s somebody a couple farms overshooting Tanner right that stuff iscrazy man there was it some people nearus that were where they were doing thattargets that had that in the target andit would just explode yeah it’s insanewe get calls on it all the time you knowthere’s an explosion that’s gone off andusually where whatever area it’s in wekind of know who’s got the Tanner I youknow they they call us how you want toshoot something you know then you knowthat we get there yo one shoot song Iknow y’all just be careful cuz it’s notillegal here yeah wasn’t illegal for along time I mean it it basically onlydetonates if the projectiles going overa couple thousand feet per second rightI think it’s got to be a really highvelocity around like a two to three orso my I don’t even think a pistol willdo it I think it’s got to be real highvelocity ground it has nothing wrongwith that ya know and he can’t be closeto the target I mean these things itthey’ll shake your windows yeah WowI remember guys back home doing that atour shooting range which was alwayswhich was the dumbest thing ever becauseit was in the middle of a neighborhoodalready it was grandfathered in theneighbors were constantly trying to getit shut down because it abutted theNational Seashore so she they werealways trying to get the NationalSeashore over there like they’reshooting lead into your land so anywaysthe president ofthis gun range thought it would be agood idea to load up like an old washerand dryer with some tanneriteand you know they they blasted them onthat 200 yard range and you know youcould feel that all over town I mean I’mtalking five six miles away it waspretty cool yeah yeah it’s interestingyeah that’s for sure so field can youtell us about a positive situation orencounter yeah you know a lot of time alot of stuff we do with the dog isreally positive missing kids you knowpeople people always ask me if I’ve wona drug dog one day and I tell them youknow that take one but the Bloodhound isis what I love because I would muchrather find a missing elderly person ora missing child and it’s lost in thewoods somewhere and we in the instead offinding a you know a kilo of cocaine orsomething but uh we had one night I gota call to a neighboring agency they hada had a rather green bloodhound handlerthat you know he was just knew it wasjust new and I’ve been doing it forabout four or five years which doesn’tmake me an expert by any means but youknow had a little bit more experienceand he he comes I get there and he sayshey we had a theme this is probablyeight or nine o’clock at night he saidwe had a female that was last seen atone o’clock leaving this houseshe’s about twenty-two years old shehasn’t been to pasady about a 10-yearold he said the last time they saw herwas that the was at the stop sign uphere you know probably a hundred yardsfrom the house he said so I so what hedid was he took a scent article up thereand he casted the dog right there atthat stop sign and he didn’t really comeup with anything so I told him I saidwell look I said well we know she leftfrom the house we 100% know she leftfrom the house I said so let’s go backinside and get another scent article andwe’ll we’ll just try and see what we gotfrom the back door because just whereshe usually loose from the back door soI cast it so we we sent up right thereand we cast the dog on the back yard andwe we end up going towards down the roadtowards the stop sign that that shewalked ahead well we gotto the stop sign and took a left andit’s about this tracks are probablyabout eight or nine hours old at leastand we tracking down this road down inthe middle we have dogs on either sidewe don’t have a leash law so you know wehave to fight that battle a lot here ifyou know this is not a hugely busy areabut it was a small town and this was oneof the major roads in the small town soI mean you know there weren’t a hundredthousand cars going up and down the roadin that ten hours but I mean there wasit there was a good bit of traffic thathe’s gone through so we end up trackingand we we end up going about a mile mileand a half down this main road then weget to this to the kind of like the mainintersection of the town where you knowthat’s the main strip of the town isright here at this intersection so wecross that going to the woods a littlebit take a left and we probably go ahundred or 200 yards and we see hersitting behind a barn wrapped up in ablanket she just quit walking rightthere and I tell you that was that wasthat was a pretty amazing feeling tofind to find that that woman like thatso that was probably the you know veryheartwarming situation and most of myterrifying stuff comes onthis these dogtracks too with you know felons withwhite rifles we’re tracking but that wasprobably the you know that’s the onethat sticks out to me the most that I’llalways take with me that that trackright there that’s very cool that’s veryrewarding too you said that tracks areeight or eight or nine hours old did howlong is in track in like that settinglike in a non urban environment how longour tracks good for well I you knowthere’s some people that will tell youyou know oh we can track it do it we gotrack and you know possible but I wouldhave really had to see it to believe itmy oldest successful track was probablya track that was probably ten hours andwhen we do training every year you knowwe train every month but once or twice ayear we’ll set tracks up there are 24hours old and these dogs will have notrouble doing it with a 24 hour oldtrackotice that’s the oldest track I’ve doneyou know you’re going through woods andit’s grass and you know but that’sthat’s 24 hours you know we can easilyget 24 to 48 hours we can still probablycome up with a little something you knowobviously as the older the track getsthe harder it is because what happens isthose skin cells as time goes on thanthe wind and the weather will spreadthose skin cells out so we we workwhat’s called a cone so when you seethese dogs working they go right to leftto right to left but they’re stillmoving in a general direction theythey’re working that cone well that conewill just kind of get bigger and biggerand bigger and then eventually you knowthey can’t pick it all up in a straightline to keep it goingoh yeah 24 hours is if if I come on to ascene and somebody says you knowso-and-so has been missing he wenthunting in this wood line he hasn’t beenseen since and he it’s been 24 hours Iwould I wouldn’t be scared to give it ashot that we wouldn’t find them what aresome things you could do to keepyourself from being tracked by a dog ifyou don’t want to share that Iunderstand you know to me you know Idon’t I don’t think there’s reallyanything you can do to attract it forthe dog not to be able to track youbecause your skin because your skincells are always falling off of yourbody you see yeah I think they say it’slike 50,000 a minute or something I’mprobably a hundred thousand so they youknow I don’t think you can do things youcan do to slow the dog down circles andbriars and stuff like that but as far asnot being tracked and I give you aperfect exampleremember what about was a few years agoprobably six years ago that the UH thosetwo Pennsylvania troopers were shot andkilled or one of them was killed at theat their barracks are at their stationand uh you know they tracked those guysthat guys through the woods for days anddays and days with those bloodhounds andthey they didn’t you know they didn’tthey couldn’t get away from himthat’s all I think those guys I think itwas New York they had those two inmatesescape where they had the the jail nursea few years ago help get them out andshe ended up killing her husband orsomething like that this is all vaguememory but you know those guys they saidthey use pepper and stuff like that Ijust don’t see it happening I mean thesedogs can differentiate millions ofsmells you know its millions of centsout here in these woodsanimals decay leaves dying animals youknow bird crap I mean everything if youjust think about what’s out there everylittle things got that smell and he’sdifferentiate these little tinymicroscopic skin cells and I don’t thinkthere’s anything you can really do tounless you can figure out a way to keepthose skin cells from coming off yourbody and I don’t think you’d be able toyou’re like a Timex ooh yeah yeah maybeyeah maybe one of those biochemicalbiohazard suits that they wear that youknow nothing gets in nothing gets outbut you know they have those those suitsthat people wear that they go huntingthat say that they make your skin so youcan I just don’t never tracked somebodywith one of those and I’d like to but Ijust don’t see it I just I just I findit hard to believe that it might slowthem down but I think ultimately at theend these bloodhounds are so good atwhat they do that they they’re gonnathey’re gonna they’re gonna find you arethey gonna have a good direction oftravel CSR but that’s our problem is ifsomebody jumps and runs on us you knowthere’s there’s time so they got an hourhead start on us so we’re usually unlessthey hunker down we’re not gonna findthem unless they got a good you know ifwe can get a good perimeter set up andyou’re still in that patch of woodyou’re dust we’re gonna get you there’sno doubt I read I read an article onetime where it said dogs noses are kindof they’re designed in a specific waythat they breathe in and then that thelittle the little things on the sidethey it’s something weird where the dogsdogs noses are unique to be able todifferentiate all those smells andeverything istrue yeah yeah they gonna they’ve gottheir smell their smell is about 45 to50 percent better than ours so they allthese little though so we we presentthat skins that shirt to them and thatsmell kind of gets stuck into what youtaught those little grooves in theirnose and everything else just kind ofgoes over it you know I’ve I mean I’vebeen told and I probably should knowthis but they’ve got like four miles orthree miles and there’s old olfactorycells or nerves and their nose andthat’s just how much they can take youthere’s no telling what they can smell Ialways when I go to a do a demonstrationI always say who likes spaghetti and ifthe dog had talked to us he could tellus each individual ingredient in thatspaghetti it makes sense like he seemssmelling poop and you’re like that’sdisgusting but he can probably smellevery individual food that was in thatpoop yep you know I’ve often wonderedlike how they don’t gag sometimes cuz Imean I’ve you know I’ve had to use adiaper we had a missing kid one day andthe house was so disgusting I mean I’venever been in a house this bad I cameout of the house gagging and throwing upin the front yard piles of trash on thewall poop inside from the animals and itwas awful hmm and I asked them I saidwell because see when we when we come upon that on a situation like that of amissing person we have to we have to geta scent article that hasn’t been touchedso what we do is we ask I do have theirown laundry basket and how many peoplethis is hard to find a piercing articleof somebody in a house especially ahouse for a bunch of people live inbecause like my house my kids they allsleep in the same bad jump from bed tobed all sit on the couch touch the sametablets you know so the diaper is aboutthe only thing that that my kids don’ttouch that somebody else they couldstill be laying on the floor so that’swhat happened there’s a diaper laying onthe floor and I use that as a scentarticle and mydog didn’t find them but we found themabout 40 yards past where we ended thatnight was a young kid missing for aboutfour or five hours but uh yes it’s it’samazing how well their nose is and Itell everybody there’s a reason whybloodhounds have been tracking peoplefor over a hundred years in lawenforcement yeah absolutely man now Igotta ask you do you um do you have youbeen worried for your dog a lot like Iknow with with the other dogs they’rekind of bite dogs so at the end of atrack they might when you’re looking fora bad guy the dog is definitelyintimidating and go after someone butwith a bloodhound like we were sayingthat might not be the case so do you getworried for him sometimes that likesomeone’s gonna hurt him or takeadvantage of that yeah I mean I worryabout the dog but I try I try to thinkabout it as as realistic as possible youknow this just probably sounds morbidand awful and I would I love this dog todeath and he’s basically a pet to me butif it’s me or him you know I’m sorrybuddy about your sacrifice you knowthank you for your service and you knowwe were always gonna remember everythingyou’ve done for us of course but uh youknow I try to keep it as realistic in mymind as possible that you know I’m notsaying something bad wouldn’t happen tothe individual that hurt him because youknow if he shoots my dog then he’s anobvious threat so we we have a goodcover team is what is what I like tooyou know we we got two or three guysthat come with us and they know what todo I mean we’ve been on tracks where youturn around and there’s somebody’s inthe woods with a gun you turn around andeither the two guys walking with you aretalking about what they gonna do lateron that evening or you know they’renowhere to be found in the woodsyou know that has happened in the pastbut I’ve had this dog I’ve had abloodhound for about six or seven yearsand you know my department I’ve reallyI’ve really instilled on things that weneed to do to be better with the dog andyou know they listen and you know it’sgot a lot of guys at the department thatthat will help methey do you know they do exactly whichasked I mean that’s how we get moresuccess then we you know cell phones arethe hardest thing they have killedbloodhounds because people always calland get picked up but as far as somebodyyou know running through the woods witha rifle or a dangerous suspect you knowwe treat it like anybody else now wehave had situations we had a guy he hadwe had a domestic we had a bunch ofwarrants on and he took off running inthe woods he he had a shotgun and arifle and a pistol so we we startedtracking and we actually found thepistol the dog my my last dog was a gunmagnet and there was a gun in the woodshe would come out with it was he walkedthe track would with the gun in hismouth or he’d put it in his mouth andwe’d have to get the gun out of hismouth well that’s a little scary attimes because you know those gun dogslike they sit next to the to theaccelerant or whatever it is they’relooking for but the Bloodhound has noidea what he’s got so I have had to pulla gun out of his mouth once or twicebefore but you know I just instill we’vegot a great cover team that usually thatwill come on those hot calls we we won’ttake a we won’t take people in the woodsthat don’t want to go in the woods and Ihave found that if you find guys thatwant to go in the woods would you do anddon’t mind going you’ve got a reallygood cover team and the the guys that Iwork with especially the guys on myshiftyou know they’ve they’ve gotten earfulfrom me you know you know probably alittle bit too much at times aboutthings that we say should have done orwe should have done but I can’t sayanything better about the guys that Iwork with on my shift they they’ve theyknow exactly what to do when they get toa call they know exactly how to stagethey know exactly what what to do with aperimeter and they know it don’t touchanything until I get there you know Ipretty much got him got him trained wellthat they we have we’ve had a lot ofsuccess that way yeah I bet that’simportant that they’re listening to youand you’re all able to work togetherlike that I mean I know from workingwith k-9 handlers I know you guys aretenacious like you have to be astenacious as the dog so I’ve been ontracks in the rain in the woods wherethe guys thrown the dogfence and he’s hopping the fence and I’mlike no I’m behind him like on thisparticular track he was I’ve mentionedit before I think but it was a mal Moyor whatever Malinois and it had alreadybitten another cop so he’s like you knowjust you know don’t use your flashlightand don’t get too close we don’t get toofar behind and we’re looking for thisviolent dude I’m like this is like anightmare but yeah they were like theywere nuts when they came out of thewoods they’re like you know as uniformsdestroyed and the dogs crazy yeah andthat’s a good thing about thebloodhounds whoo that’s the advantagewe’ve got we can I can have guys rightup on me I mean I can have them in myback pocket and we just go and becausethat’s how we train with these dogsthey’re these dogs when we train themand as we’re going through trainingthey’re used to 6 7 8 people walkingbehind them so they don’t lose it inwhen we have a bunch of guys in thewoods you know we’ll have three or fourguys and like that guy I was justtelling you about two took off runningwe actually ended up going through aswamp and swimming a creek two or threetimes and gosh we ended up finding thatguy on that particular situation we’vegot a trooper a Virginia State Policetrooper that his dog at the time wasvery non dog aggressive but he was verypeople aggressive so my bloodhound inhim got along pretty well I mean I wouldnever let him play with each other butmy bloodhound would go and he wouldtrack and if we got to the end of thetrack where we found the suspect and wewould we would that’s when the statepolice patrol dog would come in and youknow give the commands and unfortunatelythat day he didn’t get to doing it do itbecause we just happened upon the guy weturned a corner and he was sitting thereand it kind of threw us all off guardbecause we we weren’t expecting it butuh yeah it was it was it’s uh so we’vegot that relationship with other dogs wetrained with patrol dogs we trained withbite dogs that way if we do get in asituation where our dog will we got ahighly dangerous person well we you knowa lot of guys will tell you we want theBloodhound to go in first and then theyjust bring the dog with us and they staythey stay you know 20 30 40 yards behindus and then if we get into somethingthen we can we can quickly transitionveryfeel do you have any advice that youwould give to new police officers orcandidates coming on the job yeah I tellyou I thought about this a lot and Iknow all the guys that you getinterviewed yeah I think this is I thinkall the I’ve listened to probably almostevery one of your interviews oh I thinkthat this is probably the one thingwhere every officer deputy has said thisis they thought about this a lot myselfas well and I’ll never forget we’re anacademy our instructor he said I pullout a piece of paper and make a timelineso we you know we go in there make atimeline he said I from the time youwere born to the time right now sittingin this room he said I want you to putmonumental moments in your life on it soyou know obviously you know the firstthe fifth birthday where I got a dog andyou know when I turned 16 I got my firstcar you know some guys you know lost myvirginity when I was you know this ageand you know the day I got married wasanother you know some people would putyou know the day their parents died orso you know it’s just just timeline ofyour life of extraordinary moments inyour life and you know some day my kidwas born well he said well let me tellyou about another timeline and thisstuck with me more than anything I thinkI’ve ever learned in the Academy he saidwe have a girl she was eight years oldshe was raped by her unclehe said when she was 12 she had a kidwith it by her uncle and when she wasthis age he you know got it got almostkilled because of a meth addiction youknow she was this age she got abusedthis age she got this and you know allthe way to issues like 21 he’s like andthen she was killed at 21 brutallykilled by an ex and he said alwaysremember that these people out here thatyou deal with their timeline iscompletely different than yourshe said if you can remember why if youcan remember that you’ll understandmaybe sometimes why they act like theydo and why they’re not respectful or whythey keep making these poor decisionsover and overover again and you know like I go backto what I said earlier you know we’vegot three kids that we that we’veadopted and our oldest has a timelinethat’s not good and that is really putit into perspective that where some ofthese people that we deal with come fromit’s not where we come from we come fromyou know in some officers and deputies Iwill say do come from pretty tough livesgrowing up and they’re exceptionalofficers and exceptional deputies butfor for the most part a lot of peopleespecially now coming into the job youknow have college degrees you know I’mnot saying bad things didn’t happen intheir life but they don’t have thistimeline of all these myths you know allthese abusive patterns and that’s alwaysstuck to me if you can remember whyyou’re doing this interview and if youcan remember that their timeline isprobably a lot worse than your timelineand you can have just a little bit morepatience with them and understanding andempathy then you can you can go a longway with that individual and get getmore out of it yeah I mean that’s areally powerful visual just to look atsomeone’s life like that I like thatyeah yeah I’ll never forget that’s youknow I’ve forgotten a lot of things inthe academy you know they when I thething with the regional you know go tothe Academy do it the way they teach youand then come back here and we’ll teachyou the way we want you to do it kind ofsituation but that one thing right therealways stuck with me remember theirtimeline and if you can remember theirtimeline then you can understand thatthey’ve got a different timeline and youcan do a you know you’ll do a you can goa lot further with them that’s very coolcan you have any more questions forfield no I just it’s just amazing the Ijust I love Doug stories you know I’vegot is this certain dog stories I canget you we can do another episode whichis nothing but dog cause if you wantedto one day oh yeah absolutely I’ve got Igot you know I’ve got seven eight yearsworth of dog calls absolutely I’d loveto have you back on man I think the thecanine stuff to me isthis is so fascinating yeah oh good Ilove it too and the cool thing iseverybody always says what kind of dogyou have what kind of dog bloodhoundthey kind of take a step back and youknow it’s not the traditional you knoweverybody thinks that we call them thepointy ear dogs you know I don’t have apoint of your dog but you know it’sdefinitely a UH it’s definitely anawesome and awesome community that weget to be in and it’s you kind of have acamaraderie and a brotherhood withinside of a bigger camaraderie andBrotherhood do how long did the dogsstay in service typically and do youguys get to once they retire do you takehim home with you yeah you know my lastdog he ended up getting up growth on hisheart so in 2018 I went to get my dogout to certify one day and he lookedbloated he had five pounds of flu endedup having five pounds of blue fluid onhis heart chest and lungs and stomachand so we we retired him that day and hestated that the one I’ve got now he heactually came from a he came from acompany it’s 501c3 in Florida that theytake they take bloodhounds and theytrain them so they get them when they’reabout eight weeks old and they take themfor about eight weeks to a year and theytake them that that that ten or twelvemonths and they train them they actuallygive them to law enforcement agesagencies in the country they just sayhere we’re going to give you this dogand because they it’s called fine findem friends and so they take them thenand then we get them and they last youknow we you can get ten years I think Ithink I think ten is a reason areasonable age for these dogs and and Ithink the bloodhounds can probably go alittle bit further because thosepointing air dogs they’re so high strongthen they can wear that they can weartheir hips out more you know my dog hehe doesn’t jump around in the panhe doesn’t hoot and holler all dayI’ve been outside this whole time and hehasn’t made a sound he’s been looking atme he’s laying down and in the Sunsunbathing so I think you can get alittle bit more time out of thesebloodhounds just because they’re so lazyand they’re just the only time they getexcited is when it’s time to go to workmm-hmm so your beautiful place yeah theykeep all that in so I’d say probablyabout ten years we can get out of a dogand there they’re huge right they get itlike 200 pounds only well it’s kind offunny so mine’s probably around 70 so togo back to this to this to this companyno this this this agency or place thatgave this they gave us this dog thewoman that trains them I hope you don’tmind me giving him a you know a shoutout or whatever you wanna say but he’lltoday’s her name her name is Linda LindaBowles and she’s she’s a tiny woman wellshe doesn’t want to pick up huge dogswhile she’s training these dogs andthrow him over fences so she she she haslike three or four breeders that sheuses that know she wants a smaller dogso actually the dogs that we get fromher are smaller dogs which is ashandlers it’s nice on us because I haveseen some 120 pounds just bullheadedmonsters out there that just will dragyou through the woods and pull your armI mean I’ve heard of so many guysgetting rotator cuff surgery becausethese monsters the dogs just jerk theirarms out of socket all the time so wethat company they they do a very goodjob of taking these dogs and finding thebest ones and they train themeverything’s free they and then and thenthey see you off with this dog you godown there and train with them inFlorida for a week and a couple ifyou’ve never had a dog you do a coupleweeks and they um they do a really goodjob we probably stay healthier toobecause they stay later right yeah yeahthey’re like mine’s got stomach issues Idon’t know what it is he has to have aspecial food that if he doesn’t have itI’m cleaning paint you know diarrheapaint out of the you know oh yeahfour times a week so so I have to givethem a special food so that that food isreally expensive but you know theythey’re really you know so they’rethey’re such the dogs are you know a lotof the bloodhounds are just longbloodlines so you know some of them docome with issues and I think that mighthave been part of the reason that minepassed away so so young because he wasonly seven years old or eight when hedied we had to put him down two daysbefore Christmas a few years ago but youknow he as far as these dogs go you knowthey’re pretty healthy though we andobviously you know we take care of themand we get in the you know the moment mymy dog is seems any type of sick oranything’s going on I’ve got the theveterinarians direct number I shoot hima text message and see what he wants meto do and sometimes he says bring him insometimes he says Oh it’ll be okay soyou know that’s fortunate for us itcould be two o’clock in the morning andyou know I’ve had my dog come up on somedrugs and we thought he took some drugsand you know the dog the veterinariancame right in and you know and andchecked him out for us and so at allhours he’ll he’ll come in so that reallyhelps keeping these dogs healthy andsafe yeah my buddy had one um I don’tknow ten years ago now he got a puppyman it was the cutest puppy that loosevelvety skin and oh yeah ever see hasbeen on the ears oh yes I’ve never seena bloodhound before in the puppy wasamazing and then ‘adam he was gonna tryto get into a program he wanted to beable to track munna deer so the meatwouldn’t go to waste he was trying toget this yeah the state to allow him todo that but they really really don’tlike dogs that track deer I guess butanyways um this dog died from I guesssome common disease that blood houndshave but he said to me that they don’tthe big ones anyways don’t they don’tlive too long you know I have seen agood buddy of minehe’s still in service I think his isnine and I think he’ll probably get thissummer out of them and have to retirebut good yeah I have seen some that youknow they retire them you know we have aone a buddy of mine he had about ahundred and twenty pound dog andthe dog ended up passing away you knownot two weeks I don’t think after heretired him it was just no I I guessit’s just hit or miss you know withthese dogs sometimes you get a greatbloodline and they live to be sixteenyears old and sometimes you getsomething just look to be 10 or 12 and Idon’t know I don’t think there’s a it Idon’t think there’s a true science toknow I think you just kind of have to gowith what you got so cool I think can’tyou get one can you have like bloodhoundthree or four dogs already you gottathrow a bloodhound in the mix yeah wegot five five dogs all different sizesthe Bloodhound is awesome because youcan definitely tell when you’re barkingbecause they’re they don’t bark theyhowl just got that real deep how awesomewell-filled thank you so much for comingon the show brother this was a reallyfun conversation and like I said I wouldlove to have you come back for down theroad for another episode just talktracking yeah just keep in touch with melet me know and I’ll be more than happyto just give me a few days and I’ll gothrough some of my old checking recordsand we’ll come up I got some good onesawesome and I love it Jenn are you allset I’m set thank you so much for comingon it was a great interview all rightfield I’m gonna run the up trow here andjust outro bumper here it’s just metalking than the music okay all rightbrother take care thank you hi guysthanks hey guys I hope you enjoyed theepisode if you’d like to support theshow go over to things police see calmwhen you get on the website there’s afew different ways you can show somesupport you can donate directly you cando a one-time donation or a monthlydonation even a buck helps us keep thelights on 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